Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Where there is Smoke...

Dear hearts,

It's time for the Third Charm. The Fireman. Funny story...

It was common on the weekends for the Bright Young Things to have their buddies for a sleep over. My darling boy would organise the troops and we would tootle down to Rose Bay to buy supplies for the long night of dvd watching ahead.

Whilst the boys beetled away stocking their baskets with sugar and carbs, Miss Mich decided fish would be just the thing for her supper. Imagine her delight when two firemen stepped up to the counter to order the exact same swordfish..Now Miss Mich is not a greedy girl and was more than happy with no more than one swordfish and one fireman at a time. A pleasant discussion ensued with the fireman extracting all the vital info from Miss Mich, sadly Miss Mich knew only the beachside location of the fireman's station.

Sitting in front of a saucy French film, (don't you love Arthouse cinema), Miss Mich decided to introduce herself to said Fireman. But how??

A letter of Introduction..how very Continental...

With the envelope sealed, the dilemma that now faced Miss Mich was no name to address. It was a simple matter of writing “Please pass this on to the Fireman who had swordfish for dinner”. Excellent.

The delivery was not quite so simple. Miss Mich found herself cruising past said fire station over the course of a few days. The envelope, meanwhile was beginning to look a little wilted and dog eared and Miss Mich was beginning to feel a little like a suburban (albeit good looking...obvi) stalker.

Something had to be done.

Fortunately, that week, Miss Mellie invited Miss Mich to play lesbians and go to see kd lang. The Opera House was the perfect setting to enjoy a few glasses of something fizzy and decide on the best collective term for said girls of a feather..sadly none are printable in polite company, but suffice to say we were in fits of giggles at the many and varied options. Oh all right...Batch of Buzzcuts, Fetch of Fannies and my own personal favourite Clutch of ...well you fill in the rest..

As we drove back to the East after a most amusing evening, Miss Mich finally found the courage to deliver the letter – Miss Mellie...After pressing what at first glance appeared to be the door bell, the whole of the Eastern peninsula was woken by the fire alarm. That certainly had the boys attention. Miss Mellie duly informed the now not so sleepy firemen that the letter must be passed on to the fish eating fireman in suspenders and big boots.

Suffice to say the fireman in question did in fact call Miss Mich and sparks were kindled. A very pleasant time was had stroking the fire and searching for hoses...

At the end of that particular summer, Miss Mich had her own personal saviour of the kitten on speed dial and a healthy respect for rescue techniques...nothing like a good game of “Save me, save me – my pants are on fire!”..

Enjoy Tuesday.

Love Miss Mich