Dear hearts,
I know I bang on about the Universe and its infinite wisdom, but I promise you, it proves itself time and time again.
Just this morning I was awake at the somewhat early hour of 3 in the am, contemplating as one does. By 6 it was clear the night was over and there was tea to be made.
By 10 Miss Mich must confess to flagging a little. At that precise moment, Ms Morgan King sent a message. She of the generous, tea laden kitchen table in beautiful Bellevue Hill. She of Miss Mich’s favourite and oft quoted pearls: “take yourself out of the centre of the universe” and the cracker: “ you are not unique”. Darling Jules is one of MM’s nearest and dearest, and even though there may not be constant contact, what I love love love is that feeling of not having missed a beat when we do speak.
Which brings me to the Universe’s impeccable sense of timing. It seems Ms Morgan King had been beetling away in those same wee early hours, sending yours truly a heartfelt e at the very same time as MM’s quiet contemplation. About the very same subject on Miss Mich’s mind.
Loss. Letting go. Bereavement and grief. It seems these ghosts make themselves known in the shadow hours, the hours where they can’t help but be seen and more intensely felt. Where there is no escape from the bittersweet, the memory, the “what could have been”.
We shared and caught up and felt the pain of the other in the most empathetic way. The question at the end of this mutual therapy session was of course, how does one go on?
Discipline Dear hearts. Discipline.
If I could give it two Capital letters, I would. No doubt. Maybe I should accord it all caps. But then I would be shouting. And I don’t like to shout.
At its best, discipline is the quiet achiever. It is the long distance swimmer. The marathon runner. The stoic, erstwhile tenacious worker bee in the background. Discipline doesn’t go for guts and glory. Discipline just goes the distance. It is one characteristic Miss Mich values and admires most highly.
As we all know, with discipline you get results. Discipline is of course, closely aligned with consistency. They kind of tag team. And once one gets into a rhythm of both, the outcome is almost guaranteed.
It’s a bit like hitting tennis balls. Hit enough, say 3000, and according to Miss Mich’s tennis coach, you will achieve stroke correction. After say, another 3000 balls, you might just get into a more natural rhythm of your new stroke and after the third 3000, you will have erased the muscle memory of the original, flawed stroke altogether.
The heart works a little bit the same way.
If one doesn’t have the determination or resolve for hitting 9000 balls, there is always the cheats way out. The top shelf of the emotional linen press. We have spoken of this before when I misplaced my sentimentality. There is always room to pop another box up there, right at the back. Make sure the lid is sealed nice and tight, slide that little sucker in and close the door. Firmly.
After that little chore is done and dusted you are free to get on.
So it seems that Darling Jules is right again. We are not unique. She and I are just the same. After indulging ourselves emotionally for just a little while, we dusted ourselves off and took ourselves out of the centre of the universe. I encourage you Dear hearts, to do the same. Each and every unique one of you.
Enjoy Friday.
With love
Miss Mich
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