Dear hearts,
There comes a time when one must just do it.
Embrace who we really are. Take Lady Gaga. I love her. It was about time someone took the mantle from Liza Minelli. Let’s face it, she is a little past it, God love her. However, having said that, no one, but no one will ever replace her as Sally Bowles in Cabaret. In Miss Mich’s Top ten. And how good was she with the Rat Pack?
Back to Lady Gaga. Burlesque. On the right side of Euro Trash. Goes where Madonna tried to go, but couldn’t quite get there. Just my opinion of course, but Lady G does it so naturally, so effortlessly. With Madonna, I always have the feeling that she’s trying just that little bit too hard to be outrageous and edgy. You know, one eye on the mirror with the question in her eye, Do I look sexy? Do I? Do I? If you have to ask Dear hearts…
In contrast, Lady Gaga wears the latex as a second skin very comfortably. Carries the teacup as the perfectly natural accessory. Writes on the Birkin with Nikko as if everyone should do it. Noone wears a Hello Kitty bag as merkin better than this New Yorker. Hilarious! And I won’t even start on the whole hermaphrodite controversy. To quote the artist’s words “It’s just a little bit of penis and really doesn’t interfere much with my life. I consider myself female. I’m sexy. I’m hot. I have a poon and a peener. Big deal.”
I couldn’t have put it better myself.
Posing on the cover of UK Q music magazine, the singer articulates the whole fuss perfectly when she says “I want to comment on that in a beautiful, artistic way” She did this by holding a latex gloved hand across her breasts, wearing spiked skin tight pants, with a strap on. Lovely.
She is who she is. And makes no apology. Publicly.
We should all take a leaf out of her individual, artistic look book. And to be honest, it doesn’t matter whether the whole thing is a beat up or not. What she has done is turn the whole gender question into an excuse for more self expression. She looks great, sounds good, so what.
Boy George had a bit of a go in the 80’s, but this chick has taken it so much further. I’m all for it obvi. Just think Dear hearts. If I could wear latex to work, do you think I would sell more pens? I’m not sure the far far north is quite ready for that kind of day wear sadly.
I guess what I’m getting at is the idea of having the conviction to stand up and say, this is me. You may not agree, you may not like me, but too bad. It took me 21 years to put colour into my manicure. For that long I had pale pink fingernails. Perfectly groomed, but invisible. The baby cannot remember ever seeing colour on my nails. I have stepped out from the shadow of pale and am typing as we speak with the chic-est of Chanel dark dark. I feel like a vamp, a vixen and sexier than usual. The Libertine loves it. I love watching my hands as they make the grooves down his back. The deep dark red of my nails matching the red lines of the scratch. Yummy.
And once one takes the first step, well then, who knows what will come next. I suspect the colour on the nails is just the beginning Dear hearts, of more conservative barriers to fall. Changing something as little as the colour of one’s nails has quite the effect. I feel bolder, more confident. Perhaps the compromise is to wear latex underwear? As opposed to outer wear…something to think about. And let’s face it, even thinking about it is liberating, even if one never acts on the thought.
At least the thought is there.
Enjoy Sunday and self expression.
With love
Miss Mich
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