Dear hearts,
Miss Mich has a friend. We shall call her Piglet. Whilst the name may appear strange and make one think of nursery tales, this little piggy is so named for her healthy appetite for all things yummy.
Sport, obvi. Nothing yummier. Piglet has been known to indulge for hours and days in the simplest of sporting moves. We dare not speak of her appetite for the more athletic and challenging...
When Piglet is in the room, look out fresh fruit, salad and swimming with all the little fishy's. It is best not to let her at the mirrored table lest she disgrace herself well beyond care. She is a very naughty girl.
But I do love her so. She is the antithesis of the super ego. She is the wild child, the renegade, the Bonny doing Clyde. She is the hedonist we all aspire to be. She willingly sits on the right side of Bacchus, sipping on cocktails and shaking her tail feathers.
When Piglet indulges, it is all encompassing. She may in fact go a little too far sometimes, but we all forgive her the moment she looks up with her wide eyed smile and asks so politely for just one more ....please...
There is a little Piglet in us all Dear hearts, and if there isn't then go find some. It is her ability to abandon herself to the pleasure at hand, to disappear into the moment and forsake all sense of reason that should be admired, for how arduous is life as a responsible, respectable everyday participant.
Whilst Miss Mich concedes that one cannot let Piglet have her head (lovely) all the time, it is important that she be allowed the freedom to provide the release. To liberate ones self from the structure of polite society and inspire a little ritual madness. A little ecstasy that allows one to transcend this day to day serious business.
Miss Mich is feeling a little light headed right now she must admit. The ink from the Nikko pens must be making her dizzy..either that or the promise of this evenings full moon. And you know how Miss Mich is when the moon makes its way full and luxuriant to its place above that beautiful Coral Sea.
Miss Mich advises some serious moon bathing tonight, a little howling and lots and lots of what ever floats your boat.
Enjoy everything and Tuesday.
With love and Bacchanalia
Miss Mich
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