Sunday, July 19, 2009

May I tell you a secret?

Dear hearts,

After another glorious weekend on the water, sunning and daydreaming, Miss Mich began to ponder the question of our many lives.

As Gabriel Garcia Marquez has written, Everyone has three lives: a public life, a private life, and a secret life.

And that is just the beginning. We are all chameleons, some are just better at it than others. How many different faces do we show in the course of a day?

I do love this idea. We shift seamlessly from role to role, with the subtlety of a good priest or politician. What makes this shift easier is the perception of those to whom we present our many and varied selves.

For the majority, our public lives are our most conservative. When Miss Mich is sharing the pen love she is the epitome of professionalism. Her skirt is to her knee, her decolletage modestly covered and the only reference to sport is that of Nadal v Federer. Remarkably, negotiations are completed, the pens are still sold and the Big Kahuna and Churchill of the pen world is a happy camper. Miss Mich gently mentors her chickens with all the love of a mother hen and works with her colleagues in a most collaborative way. Decorum is well served and the business of business beetles away most efficiently.

Our private lives allow for some of our true nature to be exposed. In the cocoon of our family and domestic nests we are able to show the sides of ourselves that would most likely never be on public display. We fart, shout, lie about in hardly any underwear and are often less than polite to those we love and live with. Miss Mich herself has been known to emit noises that could be considered less than ladylike from areas considered less than public! The bright young things are in turn loving and loathsome and mother of the year spares no feelings by telling them so in a most direct manner.

It is our secret lives that interests Miss Mich the most. The whims, proclivities and desires that dare not see the light of day. Are not spoken of out loud, but dwelt on with eyes closed. Whether under the covers or simply under the cover of that public life, they do exist and whether we admit to them or not, we all have a secret life.

What do we do with this part of ourselves? Frank Warren has the best idea. Miss Mich is a bit miffed at Mr Warren as she wishes she had thought of the idea first.

Yes Dear hearts, on this very uber page you can read secret confessions from regular folk. Anonymous and honest. Miss Mich loves it. Post cards sent with confessions from simple to most exotic and beyond. Can you tell which is Miss Mich's?

The next most obvious question for Miss Mich is how many people actually live out their secret lives? It may not be as easy as simply wearing womens underwear under your policemans uniform, or sniffing womens shoes, or even letting down peoples tyres in the street. Miss Mich would love to know, anonymously naturelment, what naughty things people do, what secret lives they lead and the frisson of excitement that follows.

Enjoy Monday in secret.

With love and secret thoughts
Miss Mich

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