Dear hearts,
It’s Friday night. Miss Mich finds herself at home sharing the evening with your sweet selves and a cheeky little West Australian Classic Dry White. The Bright Young Things are respectively out and about. The songbird is just finishing a gig at Prince Charming’s Ever After Café, whilst the baby is heading out for the last night available to disgrace herself at Schoolies. God love them both. My darling Boy is treating himself to a birthday weekend of no doubt monumental proportions. After all, it’s not every birthday you leave your teens behind..
The aforementioned West Australian White, not to be confused with the NZ White, (don’t ever…this one in the bottle has far more intelligence than the other), and I were just discussing the Capital letter worthy subject of One’s own True Nature. Bit of a mouthful I know, but try and stay with me…(I’ll type slowly)
We have discussed in this very forum the different sides to ourselves and the faces we show at any one time. That is not to say, though, that there is not a common thread no matter the face, no matter the situation. One would hope that even if you are Eleanor Rigby or one of Picasso’s women, one’s true nature would prevail. Take the earnest Chameleon, it’s not that it chooses to confuse, wants to deceive. Just has to. To survive. Still the same slightly stunned looking reptile, just trying to make it’s way in the world. Like us all Dear hearts..like us all.
Someone once said to me, and I cannot for the life of me remember who, that you cannot deny your true nature. I find it interesting that I cannot remember who shared this little pearl with me. I have carried it around for a really long time. It’s one of the mantra’s in my pocket. Along with” let it go”, “just one more cocktail” and Julie King’s gem “take yourself out of the centre of the universe”. Ms Morgan King must also take credit for “you are not unique” and “cup of tea Darl?” I love her to bits and always will. Too many cups of tea around her Bellevue Hill kitchen table have sorted my life and the mysteries of the world.
Back to one’s true nature. I happen to think that no matter what, at the end of the day, one is one’s self. Recognisable. Of a flavour and character that is despite my darling Jule’s admonishment..unique. In her defence, she refers to situations. Not character.
By recognising and being true to one’s nature, we can make the big decisions with integrity. We can be non negotiable on certain subjects. We can have confidence that when we take a stand, we mean it. That our friends can depend on us and our children can have faith in us. And at the end of the day we can live with ourselves and believe. In ourselves.
The West Australian White wholeheartedly concurs and makes the point that you can take the White out of West Australia, but never the West Australia out of the White…
D’accor Dear hearts.
Enjoy the weekend.
With a little white love
Miss Mich
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