Dear hearts,
I would like to talk about my bed. Not to be confused with Tracey Emin's bed, oh no. Although having said that, just because the terribly clever Ms Emin has made her mark by sharing with us, Dear hearts, her bed in all its honest and naked glory, it by no means, demeans Miss Mich's bed. The fact that Charles Saatchi was happy to part with 150 000 pounds for a messy bed with the detritus of a somewhat wanton woman gives Miss Mich the idea that the Emperor's New Clothes in the art world is alive and well. Perhaps I should give Charles a call and let him know the boot of my car is available for the knock down price of 50 000 pounds. If I tell him there is pound cake in there, I know that I will certainly have his lovely wife's interest. Perhaps we could pop Nigella in the boot, let her eat cake and call that an installation as well. Charge the plebs for the privilege, video the whole thing for Utube and print T shirts...
Miss Mich loves bed. Obvi... But not just for sport. In fact, bed is one of the last places Miss Mich plays. To be honest, isn't it a bit pedestrian to think that one can only perform in the horizontal?
Miss Mich likes to think of her bed as her boat. There is seriously nothing better than climbing up into that big, white, fluffy space that is home for the evening or afternoon, taking with you notebooks, journals, books, cups o tea, and sailing off into one's own imagination. No spinnaker set, Dear hearts, this is a leisurely cruise into thoughts, ideas and dreams. Whether awake or snoozing, some of Miss Mich's best ideas have come as a result of well, yes, coming, but also the slow meander of conclusions that lolling around with one's ideas and soft downy pillows allows to be formed.
Stretched out like a starfish or legs akimbo across the diagonal, Miss Mich does not think there is enough room for another in her bed. A seal point Burmese perhaps, but only because said pussy, not to be confused..obvi,..is easily pushed off the edge and over the side. A little harder with 85kg of big, hairy boy..
Bed is Miss Mich's refuge. It is where the songbird previews her latest laments and confesses her latest disgraces. Usually with the Italian artisan whom we all love and adore. It is where the baby comes for a cuddle and a little comfort after her own Passsion Pop related incidents. And where Miss Mich retreats after too many bubbles and not enough sleep. We all need a safe place Dear hearts, and this is Miss Mich's. A place to regroup, consolidate one's position and regenerate. And if one is lucky... to sleep, perchance to dream...
Enjoy Tuesday.
With love and cuddles
Miss Mich
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