Dear hearts,
With the new school year upon us, Miss Mich is preparing herself for a stimulating and challenging semester. Collecting her prescribed texts, reading related journal articles and ensuring that her university uniform of skinny jeans, cute T’s and latest adorable Boho is up to date.
At the same time there is the consideration of mental preparation. A couple of days work experience in the court room with Miss Mich’s legal eagle has gone a long way to stoke the fire in said law student’s belly. Observing startling intellect at work is a joy and reinforces the imperative that the combination of knowledge, determination and creativity are essential to success in this profession.
So it is with disappointment that Miss Mich observes the latest going’s on in the political world. This little blog does not pretend to make comment on such matters generally, but in light of the seriousness with which Miss Mich approaches her studies, the comparison may be drawn between what is expected of a student and what is expected of a representative of the people.
Standards. Absolute capital letter.
Integrity. There would never be a doubt.
Transparency. A given one would hope. (perhaps a naïve hope)
We begin with Anthony Albanese. Oh dear.
I will be honest and state up front that I am not a fan. I find him the mongrel of the Labor party. To listen to him in Parliament, one feels that one should be ducking the spit and bile. Both literally and figuratively. At least now, I can close my eyes and just imagine him as Michael Douglas. How very clever of his staff writers, to attempt to reinvent Mr Albanese as Michael Douglas. Perhaps they could do a number on Julia Gillard and repackage her as Julia Roberts. They both share an unfortunate posture and walk, so why not? She could be Pretty Woman to Wayne Swan’s Richard Gere. I really think I’m on to something here Dear hearts. Ms Gillard’s support of Mr Albanese or Michael Douglas (I’m finding it hard to tell the two apart) was given the same weight of consideration and seriousness as Mr Albanese’s response. His tweet of “D’oh! Stuff up” is perhaps a more accurate reflection of who he truly resembles. A two dimensional, uninformed, unaware middle class Joe. Do we refer to him now as Michael or Homer?
At university the plagiarism policy is strict and enforced. There are no opportunities to cry D’oh! Stuff up. The Safe Assign program scans all documents and provides a percentage match. Penalties range, and I quote, “from failing the assignment to exclusion from the university and inadmissibility to certain professions”. Just ask Ms Liveri from our own JCU. Plagiarism is academic fraud and subject to charges being laid under the Copyright Act. What a shame our PM and her faithful sidekick are not subject to the same rigorous standards.
Which brings us to Australia Day or Invasion Day, your choice. By its very definition the day is a tricky one, one that evokes emotion. As a day of recognition, more could be done to recognize the original people of this land. That is all I am going to say about this.
What I do wish to discuss is the accountability of our Government in respect to the embarrassing and appalling incident at the Lobby Restaurant in Canberra on Australia Day. It should never have occurred.
One would hope that the inner circle of trusted advisers of our PM would have the intelligence, maturity and decency to behave with integrity. Our political system of a Constitutional democracy invites and provides for debate. The system also provides the opportunity for the people of Australia to make their voice heard through the election of those we entrust with s51 of the Australian Constitution “ the power to make laws for the peace, order and good government of the Commonwealth..”
Miss Mich is concerned that Ms Gillard has rogue advisors seriously disturbing the peace, acting out of order and shaking our confidence in the integrity of delivering good government.
Miss Mich asks for transparency in the wash up of this inexcusable incident. Sacrificing Tony Hodges as the naughty boy, silencing Kim Sattler and just saying “I’m fine” I’m fine” is not enough.
Using Australia's first people politically is by far the greater and most unforgivable wrong.
Miss Mich promises to return to her usual mix of lighthearted repartee in her next tete et tete.
Poor Australia Day.
With shame
Miss Mich